- crayfish បង្កង bɑŋkɑɑŋ con tôm, tôm đồng càng to, tôm hùm
- device made of bunches of grass or twigs used to catch small fish កន្សុំ kɑnsom
- các bó cỏ hay cành cây dùng để bắt cá, tương tự đặt chà bắt cá
- fish (n.) ត្រី trəj cá
- fish paste (very salty paste made by fermenting salted fish in earthenware jugs) ប្រហុក prɑhok mắm bò hóc
- fish spear, harpoon; javelin ស្ន snɑɑ cây lao, cây mũi chỉa
- fish tail palm (Caryota mitis or C. urens) ទន្សែ tʊənsae, ʔɑnsae cây đủng đỉnh, cây cọ đuôi cá
- fish-paste pra’ak
- fish-spear ច្បូក cboːk cây mũi chỉa
- fish-spear ទួន tùːən
- fish-trap ʔɑŋrut
- fish-weir or fish-crawl of branches ធ្នស់ thnùəh
- fisherman float បន្លង?? panḷaṅ
- fisherman មច្ឆព័ន្ឋ macchaʔpoan ngư dân
- fishing basket, kind of cylindrical fish trap made of woven vine ជុច cuc
- Một loại lợp nhỏ, đan bằng sợi
- fishing equipment (rod, line and hook); fishing (with a rod or pole) សន្ទូច sɑntuuc cần câu cá
- fishing net, cast net សំណាញ់ sɑmnaɲ lưới bắt cá
- (fishing) float កំសួល kɑmsuəl phao nổi
- gill (of fish) ស្រកី skəj, srɑkəj mang cá
- jellyfish (Medusa sp.) បង្រៃ bɑŋraj con sứa
- kind of black and white bird resembling a kingfisher កដប kɑɑdɑɑp chim bói cá
- kind of blow fish or globe fish (Xenopteros naritus, Tetrodon cambodgiensis, or Chonerhinus modestus) ក្រពត krɑpɔɔt
- kind of Cambodian meat or fish salad. ញាំ ɲoam nộm
- kind of catfish (prob. Macrones sp.) ឆ្លាំង claŋ Cá lăng vàng
- kind of fish (Barbus siaja, found in swamps and flooded rice fields) ច្រកែង crɑkaeŋ cá dảnh
- kind of fish (Labeo pleurotoenia or Puntius altus) កាហែ kaahae
- kind of fish (Macrones nigroceps) តានិល taa nɨl
- kind of fish (Ophiocephalus striatus; it has a flat head covered with large scales and attains a length of about a yard) រ៉ស់ rɑh
- kind of fish found in streams ឆ្ពិន cpɨn
- kind of fish similar to the shad ព្រលូង prɔluuŋ
- kind of fish soup. គ្រាក់ kreak
- kind of fish trap (dial. ប៉ោង បញ្ឆោត ) ត្រើង traəŋ
- kind of fish-eating bird with a blue head and back, a red breast, and a large red beak ចចាត cɑcaat
- kind of fishing device in the form of a basket or long cage. It is submerged vertically in deep water សៃយ៉ឺន saj jəən
- kind of fishing implement consisting of pieces of wood tied together and used to chase fish into a spot where they may be easily caught គន kɔɔn
- kind of fishing instrument consisting of a long cylindrical cage made of bamboo strips and tapering at both ends (There are many varieties, including: ទ្រូកំពឹស, ទ្រូព្រៀងធំ, ទ្រូព្រៀងតូច, and ទ្រូកំបុត ) ទ្រូ truu
- kind of fishing net, landing net, scoop net ថ្នង tnɑɑŋ
- Một loại vợt lớn, như cái vó để bắt cá
- kind of fishing spear កន្ទុល kɑntul
- kind of fish កំផ្លៀវ kɑmpliev
- kind of fish ក្បក kbɑɑk
- kind of fish ក្រមម krɑmɑɑm
- kind of fish ក្រូស krooh
- kind of fish ក្លាំងហាយ klaŋ haaj
- kind of fish ខ្មាន់ kman
- kind of fish គជ្រា kʊəcrie
- kind of fish ទ្រនេល trɔneil
- kind of flat fish ក្អី kʔəj
- kind of fresh water fish, possibly a carp កញ្ជនជៃ kɑɲcɔɔn cej
- kind of fresh water fish កន្ត្រប់ kɑntrɑp
- kind of freshwater catfish (Clarias batracius; they have barbs which can inject a poison that causes a painful wound) អណ្ដែង ʔɑndaeŋ
- kind of freshwater fish ត្រឱន trɑʔaon
- kind of freshwater turtle ត្រសៃ trɑsaj
- kind of large, scaleless freshwater fish (Pangasius pangasius or P. Sutchi) ប្រា praa
- kind of medium-sized flat fish with many bones (Notopterus hapirat) ស្លាត slaat
- kind of salt-water fish (Scomber brachsysoma) កាម៉ុង kaamoŋ
- kind of scaleless fish ខ្ជឹង kcɨŋ
- kind of scaleless freshwater fish ឈ្វាត cviet
- kind of scavenger fish ទីពោ tii pou
- kind of shellfish, clam, abalone គ្រែង krɛɛŋ
- kind of small catfish with two barbs or whiskers (Macrones nemurus) កញ្ចុះ kɑɲcoh
- kind of small fish (Catla Buchanani or Catlacarpio siamensis) កាហោ kaahao
- kind of small fish (Ophicephalus acanthopterygius) ផ្ទក់ ptʊək
- kind of small fish (poss. a gourami) កន្ឋរ kɑnthɔɔ
- kind of small fish (poss. a loach, Botia hymenophysa or B. modesta) កញ្ជ្រូក kɑɲcruuk
- kind of small fish (prob. Betta splendens), betta, Siamese Fighting Fish ក្រឹម krəm
- kind of small fish usually found in mountain streams or in water-filled hollow tree trunks ខ្សាន ksaan
- kind of small fresh water fish (used esp. for making fish paste) កំភ្លាញ kɑmplieɲ
- kind of small fresh-water fish (Rasbora aurotaenia; it is similar to the smelt or gudgeon) ចង្វា cɑŋvaa
- kind of small freshwater fish, climbing perch (Anabas scandens or A. testudineus) ក្រាញ់ kraɲ
- kind of small slim fish with a narrow, pointed head (usually found in the mud) ឆ្លូញ clooɲ
- kind of small slim fish with a narrow, pointed head (usually found in the mud) ស្លូញ slooɲ
- kind of small white bony freshwater fish (prob. Dangila siamensis) លេញ ləɲ
- kind of trout-like fish (poss. Notopterus chitala) ក្រុស kroh
- kind of very scaly fish ឆ្ពង់ cpʊəŋ
- kind of wicker fish trap, similar to អង្រុត, used by Cambodians in the Mekong Delta ច្រងោម crɑŋaom
- large earthen pot used esp.for storing fish sauce. កន្ទិន kɑntɨn
- long fish-trap tapering at both ends ទ្រូ trùː
- long fishing line to which many hooks are attached; long wooden boards attached to the house columns parallel to the sides រនង rɔnɔɔŋ
- milder-smelling red kind of fish-paste ផ្អក phʔɔːk
- ray / skate (kind of flat fish, Trygon varnak or T. zugei) បបែល bɑbael
- ring (for boxing or cock-fighting), arena; fishing ground សៃវៀន saj vien
- sawfish (Pristis perrotteti) ថ្ករ tkɑɑ
- kind of conical bamboo fish trap with an opening at the small end (the wide end is dropped over a school of fish to imprison them while the fisherman reaches through the small end to catch them) [plate 5] អង្រុត ʔɑŋrut
- kind of cylindrical fish trap [plate 5] លប lɔɔp
- ឆ្កោក /ckaok/